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This page is dedicated a section for young beekeepers and their educators, in the Kendal and South Lakes area, to visit for ideas, at schools, Scouts, Guides or other young groups to promote beekeeping and related activities.

Currently, one school in the Kendal area have active apiaries and Bee Clubs, helping their members towards achieving their BBKA's Junior Beekeeping certificate. Sadly, due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic this years' planned examinations have been postponed. There have been talks by the K & S W B A members at schools, Brownie and Rainbow pack meetings as well. If you are keen to have some beekeeping event for children in the area or get your school involved, then contact us, as the main BBKA supported organisation for the area.

Bee Club team 2019.jpg

Junior Certificate

BBKA Schools

International Centre for Young Beekeepers
DEFRA Award.jpg
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