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Beekeeping Friends and Associates
For the Kendal & South Westmorland Beekeepers, 2023 was a busy year for the association with far more regular meetings, both Summer and Winter, a much increased membership. Non-members are welcome at our Winter meets and we do encourage even tentative beekeepers to get in touch so that we can help and advise wherever we can. There have been a number of certificate and educational sessions (both in person and Zoom) last year and we encourage folk to contact us for these sessions as they do promote a better informed beekeeping community as well as healthier and happier bees, even if you don't intend to actually gain the certificates. Finally, and not least, we are addressing the spectre of the impending Asian Hornet threat to our county. There has been initial forum, last October, involving members of nine of the Cumbrian BKAs and we shall soon have more, in order to establish a coordinated management of this invasion, and structure the countywide volunteers under one umbrella. We cannot overestimate the impact that this will have, to all.
Local Beekeeping Issues
There is a dedicated
KENDAL & SOUTH WESTMORLAND BEEKEEPERS' ASSOCIATION stand at the Kendal Monthly Market, the Kendal Farmers’ Market on the last Friday of each month, except in December, manned by Denis Hudson, and other members, for you to discuss beekeeping issues, keeping honeybees and joining the K&SWBKA. We are keen to promote good beekeeping practices and encourage potential new starters, educate the public and answer any beekeeping queries. We welcome enquires from all ages and backgrounds.
The Kendal & South Westmorland Beekeepers' Association stand may also be found at the Westmorland County, Damson Day & Cartmel Shows
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